Staying Fit Through It All
Some Simple Keys to Staying Fit in 2021
It’s been more than a month since our new year began and if you’re like most ( i know I am), you may have set some New Year resolutions to get in shape or lose weight. Maybe you want to run a charitable race this year. Yet, it is at this time of year that those resolutions turn out to be pipe-dreams…ones that we don’t really want to follow.
Life Gets In The Way
The key to maintaining our momentum is to not let the hustle-bustle of life get in the way. No matter how busy we are, there is always some time to squeeze in a quick workout. The best part is, you don’t have to go to a gym or even have the equipment to keep going. Let’s take a look at some at-home workouts that we can do even on the busiest of days. The simple steps we take now will help us to stay fit in 2021.
Work Out While You Watch TV
Whether you own a treadmill or only have a small space, make the most of your time in front of the tube and squeeze in a little exercise. You can do a HITT workout on a treadmill during your favorite 30 minutes sitcom. Keep it simple and walk during the show (don’t want to miss all those plot twists) and then run during the commercials.
Get up a little earlier and work out
I know…no one really wants to do this. But let me tell you something. I started doing this and IT IS AMAZING how much more I get accomplished in a day when I do it. Another bonus is that nothing interrupts my workout or sidetracks me. As a result, I miss workouts much less often.
Now keep in mind that your morning workouts don’t have to be a long-drawn-out process to be effective. You can find some fun, quick, and easy HIIT or Tabata workouts that are super short and super effective. Just remember not to do ONLY these types of workouts. Mix things up and keep it interesting. Not only will you be more likely to stick with the program, but it is actually better for your body as well. Having an active rest day is a great way your body heals from the intensity and build muscles for next time.
Get Fit With Friends
While I personally like to work out alone, I realize it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Sometimes we need accountability and that’s ok. The great thing about working out with friends is that not only can it be more fun, but it’s also a great way to catch up.
Take a walk. It’s the easiest form of exercise. It can be done while in quarantine, and it will not only help you to lose weight if that is a goal, but it will also help with your mental well-being. Getting out into the fresh air has many benefits to our bodies and our minds. In turn, when we get back home, we will be more productive.
If your friends don’t or can’t work out with you and you still need accountability, consider hiring a virtual coach to help you.
Remember, whatever you do, the most important thing is that you are consistent in your journey. This will help you to stay fit in 2021.
And don’t forget to take Scentsy on your journey too. No reason we can’t smell good just because we workout.